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A member registered Dec 20, 2021

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Simple, creative, fun to play. Nice work!

Also the puzzle design was impeccable! Engaging but not frustrating or hard. Excellent!

OMG I LOVE THIS!!!!! The way you incorporated the tutorial into the dialogue was genius! The music, the graphics, everything is so smooth! The mechanic is a really obvious implementation of the theme, but you do it so well! Using the clones to solve puzzles is really cool! Amazing job!

So far the highest score has been 4300. Nice job!

I like the concept, but the trucks came way too often for me to actually pin where Timmy was. I get that they are supposed to be a distraction, but every time I think I've spotted him, a new truck comes in and I lose him again. Fit the theme very well, but could use a little tweaking with randomness values.

Great use of the theme! It would be nice to have some kind of feedback, maybe audio of some kind, when a thief escapes. Also I kept getting lost on which camera leads where, so possibly have a minimap showing the positioning of the cameras in the store (you could still use the arrows to navigate between them)? I liked this game! It was fun, and the graphics and sounds are nice, if simple.

Love the hiding mechanic! This honestly is really good. There are only a couple nitpicky things I can think of. Some of the animations seemed to glitch out, and when I moved the entire screen shook. Really disorienting. Also level 3 was sooo hard. Still can't get passed it. Maybe some kind of minimap so I don't keep getting lost?

Remember these are just small things. Love the game, fits the theme perfectly, unique take on an obvious idea. Great job!

Fun game, very relaxing, felt good to play. The gameplay did become a little stale (Only being able to move forward and back gets boring after a while). Multi-directional movement could really make this game fun, and it would make dodging a lot more interesting. I found that dodging a bullet was basically impossible unless I was far away. I also found a little strategy where you can click on the enemies just over the horizon before they can shoot you, meaning you would never get hit and never die. I liked this game!

Cool game, like the music! Fits the theme very well. I found that it was kind of easy, as I could basically just spam space and walk around. There didn't really seem to be any downside of getting hit by the green bullets, so I just sort of ignored them. Maybe if you added some debuff on hit like a slow-down effect, that could be cool. Nice submission!

You have to constantly rush around the map because there is trash everywhere. Thanks for the rating! :)

Cool game, nice music, all around pretty fun. It was pretty long for a jam game, and got kind of difficult, to the point where I really just didn't want to play it anymore. Great game though!

I like the art, and the idea of being some kind of all powerful being is really cool and is a creative take on the theme! Unfortunately I couldn't get the voice commands to work right so I can't really give comments on the gameplay

I like the game itself, the puzzles are very creative. But I don't see how it applies to the theme.

OMG I loved the puzzles! It's such a simple concept, but it works so well! And the music is so relaxing (even though you didn't make it. It adds so much!). Really makes this whole thing feel like a chill game. My favorite so far!